How to Cleanse, Repair, Heal, Activate and Protect your ENERGY BODY

How to Cleanse, Repair, Heal, Activate and Protect your ENERGY BODY

We are taught the importance of cleansing our physical bodies. We are taught the importance of managing our emotional bodies. We are taught practices to strengthen our spiritual bodies. But what practices are you incorporating to cleanse, heal, activate and protect your energy body?



Medabation is just as it sounds. It is the mindful combination of meditation with masturbation.

Meditation + Masturbation. When combined, these two practices can amplify your spiritual and sexual connection in unimaginable ways.

I like to think of Medibation as the Meditation Master’s level up. It is not a practice I would recommend to someone with little to no experience with meditation. Rather it is an incredible practice to work up to once you feel you have mastered the realm of focused meditation.



It is only too often that I hear clients say they were going through a difficult time in their lives, where they had a lot on their minds and couldn’t get focused or feel connected during sex. At some point during this difficult time, they were unable to become or stay erect. The first thought in their mind was not, “Oh I’m just stressed. My mind is somewhere else. I need to listen to my body right now and get centered.” No, it was, “Oh no. Something is wrong with me. I am getting old. I have Erectile Dysfunction. I no longer have the sex drive that I use to….” and a number of other self-defeating thoughts that then begin to manifest within the body as a running program.



My new series, Better Than Porn sets out to bring quantum technology and soul enlightenment together in the most healing and loving way possible. Each audio recording is a ceremonial session of self-please in which I am feeling you through the cosmos.



To satisfy the goddess of your dreams, the modern spiritual man must work diligently on his sexual mastery in able to meet this powerful women in the sexual realm that she deserves. One must note that this does take much work and practice. One does not become a sexual god overnight. And with most men having a masturbation practice that last under 5 minutes, how can one expect to wow their goddess in an all night tantric love fest?

3 Effects of Porn That are Totally FUCKING UP Your Life

3 Effects of Porn That are Totally FUCKING UP Your Life

With the emergence of porn becoming readily accessible at the tip of your fingers, we have become a society addicted to the intensity of pixelated gratification. Whether the occasional or habitual viewer of porn, it may be having a greater effect on your life than you know.

SOLO TANTRA- Do I need a partner? Awakening the Divine Feminine.

Interview with Ravyn Ryder by The Soul Doctor, Rebecca Dettman 


►The science of Tantra-Osho

►Invitation to get deeper into breath, consciousness, presence and sacredness

►What is tantra? The ancient art of love making

►Tantra covers yoga, astrology, dance, geometry, crystals and many other things

►The gateway-The Yoni

►Lovemaking should be a meditation

►First thing to master-the ability to make love to ourselves

►Finding a relationship between you and your energy system

► Upper and lower chakras

►Solo Tantra

►Medibation- Meditation + Masturbation

►Removing stimuli and need for porn

►Becoming present with your body

►Self practices

►Amrita- Female ejaculation

►What is tantra-A system, a philosophy and a technology

►Comes from: Tibetan Buddhism, Tarot, Taosim, kabbalah, Ancient Egyptian Cults, Christanity, Vedas, Upanishads, Tattvas, Gunas, Lingas, Kundalini, Nadis, Chakras

►Shiva and Shakti energy, Masculine and Feminine, Yang and Yin

►Stripping layer that cover our true selves

►Yab-Yum practice

►Full body connection-Turning off the monkey chatter

►Being vulnerable in front of a partner

►Trusting a partner to see you

►Men need women but women do not need men

►Women-the goddess incarnate, mother earth, cosmic birth, the mystery of God here on earth in human form, wild essence of pure cosmic energy, birth the god in every man

►Serpents and sex-snake energy

►Man’s innate knowing-knows he has no real way of experiencing pure yin energy, the mystery of the cosmos except through a woman

►Woman-She must be wild, passionate and untamed because it is her nature as an embodiment of power. Manifestation of maya naturally containing endless secrets. 

►Becoming the spiritual grade of the man you sleep with- we must be protective gate-keepers of our yonis

►Perfect Tantric balance

Rebecca Dettman:




►What is Bondassage?

►Is it BDSM?

►What is medibation?

►Becoming present and one with your body

►Sensory Deprivation

►Upgrading the BDSM and Kink world

►Professional Dominatrix

►Letting go of control

EROTIC ARTS TRAINING ► Body Ryding with Ravyn Ryder

EROTIC ARTS TRAINING ► Body Ryding with Ravyn Ryder


►Madonna–whore complex

►The feminine becoming our most sexually aligned

►The Wild Woman

►What is Body Ryding?

►Empowering your own sexuality

►Finding your inner Sensual Domme

►Horizontal dance

►Learning how to give a sensual massage

►Return to earth the divine feminine




►What is tantric massage

►What is lingam massage

►What happens in a tantric massage session

►Creating a sacred relationship with sex


►The art of seduction

►Erogenous zones

►How to become an erotic artist

►How to learn tantra



In this episode I’m joined by the illustrious and alluring Ravyn Ryder, a highly accomplished guidess of so many things pleasurable, shamanic, entrepreneurial and much more. In this episode we do a bit of an experiment whereby I volunteer to help beta test her innovative therapeutic modality involving eroticized hypnosis for healing. We catch up a bit on her endeavors, commiserate about the need for healers to do self-care, then she facilitates my opening up about deep childhood trauma, ill-fated sexual initiations, negative hard wiring through early stages of masturbation, how I may be able to use hypnosis techniques to re-parent myself retroactively, and much more.

5 Reasons Why You Will Love a Milking Table

5 Reasons Why You Will Love a Milking Table

The verdict is in. Across the board everyone loves the Milking Table. But with my ever curious, analytical mind, I wants to know why!

I have been getting a lot of play time in with my custom made milking table and am just loving it. New to the concept of a Milking Table? Let me explain.

How Routines Create a Better Sex Life


I have never considered myself a morning person. In fact, I would often refer to those first daylight hours as my ‘mourning.’ Now I can say, thankfully that I am no longer a ‘mourning’ person! I credit my new love of mornings simply to: A commitment to a planned ROUTINE.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Benjamin franklin


When the brain is tired, weak, or just plain out of it, it should not be responsible for making rational decisions. Putting routines and plans into place takes the weak decision making process out of the mix. As all other mammal species we still carry many animalistic traits within our being. We crave direction, goals, rewards and consequences. But unlike most trained animals, we are capable of training ourselves. We can put into place simple routines, rewards and consequences (most consequences come as a result of poor actions, not actual discipline) that can positively set up our day... month... year... life!

“Perhaps our greatest distinction as a species is our capacity, unique among animals, to make counter-evolutionary choices.”Jared Diamond, Why Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality


A routine is essentially a goal. One that, once achieved, can lead to a host of future goals that can shape the success of your life and positively impact those around you. But a morning routine doesn’t just start the moment you wake up. No good morning routine is complete without a corresponding evening routine. Setting up a plan for the morning by going to sleep in a healthy productive fashion is essential for the follow-through of your morning routine.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”~Tony Robbins


What happens when you DO NOT have a morning routine?

You might go out and have a few drinks. You get to bed later than usual. You would like to go to the gym but since you are going to bed late, ‘you will see how you feel in the morning,’ which as we know, almost always ends up being a no. You wake up groggy and decide that the snooze button is more important than the health of your body. Your foggy and tired brain tells you to just leave the house and pick up a coffee and bagel on the way to work. Now you are over-caffeinated, under-hydrated and although you are trying to rationalize that going out and having fun is a great part of life, you are silently criticizing yourself for not going to the gym, for eating shitty and for falling into the trap of “average.” You then go home to your partner feeling like a loser after having beat yourself up for most of the day due to your lack of willpower. You do not feel sexy, you do not feel motivated, and in no way do you feel like having animalistic, passionate, mind-blowing sex!

If you really think about it, hitting the snooze button in the morning doesn’t even make sense. It’s like saying, 'I hate getting up in the morning—so I do it over… and over… and over again.' – Demetrius Martin



Unfortunately when you make average decisions you get average results. The average person will chose to pick up a beer instead of a book. The average person will chose to watch TV when they get home instead of make love to their partner. The average person will go out to eat instead of making a healthy lunch. The average person will settle for average!

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”~Tony Robbins


Failure is a part of success. This is the difference between an average person and a successful person. The average person is often too afraid of failure to ever get to success. To succeed at  failure is a closer step to success. It can take many failure to get to an accomplishment of a steady routine. I know for myself, my monkey demon mind won many times before I finally told it to shut the fuck up. But once you finally take hold of the reins, one success turns into another, turns into another, turns into every dream you have becoming a reality.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill

But remember that perfection is not what we are striving for here! We are only human and the constant continuation of anything will most certainly lead to utter boredom! So do not be hard on yourself if you just don’t feel like it one day. It certainly can be nourishing for the soul to occasionally sleep in, snuggle up and binge on some Netflix, or indulge on a delicious treat. Focus on what you mostly do, not on what you sometimes do!


How does this relate to sex?

The way you feel about yourself directly relates to the way you show up in the bedroom. When are you most likely in the mood for long, sensual, intimate love-making?  I’m not talking about the roll-on top quickie. I’m talking about the type of sex that leaves you drenched, sore, connected, and completely satisfied. Is it after you downed 2 beers and 3 pieces of pizza or is if after you had a fulfilling successful day, ate healthy and just got done at the gym? We all know the answer. No need to be redundant.

“The behavior of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction in life.”~Sigmund Freud, Sexuality and the Psychology of Love


What happens when you DO have a morning routine?

You come home from work with a goal to not turn on the TV, to not waste time on social media, and to be present with yourself and those around you. You make a healthy dinner and create a calm atmosphere for the rest of the evening. Maybe you take some time to work on an artistic project that you have been putting off. Maybe you practice an instrument that you have been wanting to learn. Maybe you take some time to read to your kids or help them with their homework. Maybe you draw your spouse a bath and give them a relaxing a massage. You finish the night by giving your body some self love with whatever hygienic night time rituals you have. You remove all electronics from the bedroom, dive into a book or mediation and fall into a deep, relaxing, restorative sleep. You then wake completely refreshed. You make your bed, you wash your face and brush your teeth, you stretch and complete a few sun salutations and then proceed to follow whatever routine you have committed to. Write this routine down. Tell somebody else so that you can be accountable. What will follow? A happy day, a happy wife, a happy life! The previous evening was relaxing and possibly a prep for a future evening of erotic, sensual or downright raunchy fornication! Winning!

“Your first ritual that you do during the day is the highest leveraged ritual, by far, because it has the effect of setting your mind, and setting the context, for the rest of your day.” – Eben Pagan



So what does my morning routine consist of?

I have to remember that I can be completely selfish in my morning routine as I have absolutely no responsibility to children, pets or a spouse. So I understand that much of what my routine consists of may not be a possibility for most. It is not meant to be emulated, just to simply take note of. So here it is:

In the evening, I try to be home and done with work and social activities by 8pm. I make sure my day consists of fulfilling, healthy, whole foods. I turn my phone off at 9pm and put it in a drawer. I spend the rest of the evening reading, doing self-massage, medibating, practicing a trade, stretching my body, dabbling in the esoteric arts, or other weird shit that is better left unsaid! I go to sleep by 11:30pm. I set an old fashion alarm clock, since all electronics are left out of my room, and wake by 7:30am. I do not snooze and write in a dream journal as soon as my eyes open and I can recall the subconscious mind’s evening events. Then I spend at least an hour doing yoga or meditating and commit to not looking at my phone until after such activities are complete. I answer some emails, texts, messages and schedule my day. I proceed with breakfast and showering. Then I’m off to my studio in preparation for a day of beautifully channeled erotic magick!

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion. – Paulo Coelho



The success of your life choices lead to an ecstatic sex life AND an ecstatic sex life leads to successful life choices. Sex is often not talked about by motivational speakers. It is a shadow that stays hidden, only to be revealed in the bedroom. But sex is life and a successful life begins and ends with the way we show up intimately with others as well as ourselves. How will you show up and how committed can you be to making the choices that make you a lion and not a sheep, in and out of the bedroom!?

Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex. Havelock Ellis