The world is changing. The woman of today is far different than her obsequious 1950’s counterpart. She is powerful, she is strong, she is intelligent. She can command control of her sexual appetite and knows exactly what she wants. Not just any man will do for this modern, spiritual goddess. No, the vapid man of the past that would get what he wanted and leave his demure partner unsatisfied and unfulfilled will be accepted no longer. 


To satisfy the goddess of your dreams, the modern spiritual man must work diligently on his sexual mastery in able to meet this powerful women in the sexual realm that she deserves. One must note that this does take much work and practice. One does not become a sexual god overnight. And with most men having a masturbation practice that last under 5 minutes, how can one expect to wow their goddess in an all night tantric love fest? 

So where does one begin to cultivate this sexual stamina? It starts with your self pleasure practice and your porn consumption. 

First, the porn has to go. No, I’m not kidding. And if you have a problem with the idea of giving up porn...well then you have a problem. Porn is an addiction and it does effect many aspects of our sex life and relationships which is discussed in the blog post: 3 Effects of Porn that are totally FUCKING UP your life

Next, practice these ancient techniques either during your solo self pleasuring practice or with a partner.






Ancient Hindu texts state that “Semen will cease activity after raising one's head immediately, opening one's eyes, looking around, shrinking the lower abdomen belly and holding one's breath when the sperm appear to be fluctuating rapidly.” 


Release any touch. Without getting up completely raise your head quickly, open your eyes, begin looking around the room. Now shrink in the lower belly abdomen and hold your breath for as long as you can or until you feel the energy decreasing. Release the breath slowly while imagining the sun going down and the colors of the sunset fading.  


Mental anxiety and stress can greatly speed up the ejaculation process and become a cause of premature ejaculation. This method can help control ejaculation and prolong intercourse by shifting your attention and relieving your stress.



Ancient Hindu texts records a method stating that “the penis will be firm and sexual intercourse will last for a long time if one squeezes the base of the shaft with the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the left hand while one holds a talisman in the right hand with serious intent putting one's heart and soul into it when sexual intercourse creates a build-up of sexual energy needing to be decreased.”

 This method is called idea transference and works with the power of intention and transference. For it you will need a small talisman about the size of a walnut or something that will fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. A talisman is defined as “an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.” 



Using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of your left hand squeeze the base of your cock firmly. Now grab your talisman in your right hand squeezing with quite a bit of pressure and bringing your hand near your heart. With serious intent see all of your sexual energy being shifted from your cock into this talisman. Visualize it. Move the energy up and into this talisman. 

 This method can also be used the other way around. If one feels the sexual energy depleting see the talisman full of sexual energy and visualize it being transferred into your cock, filling it with vitality and power.



Not only does this method help control ejaculation by shifting attention and relieving stress but moreover, by clenching your talisman in the right hand, it can stimulate the PC8 nadi, a type of acupressure point which belongs to the hand pericardium meridian and has the function of sedation which can directly affect intensely high states of arousal.



Ancient Hindu texts state that, “semen will not come out for a long time if one presses the meridian behind the scrotum and in front of the anus using the index finger and the middle finger of the left hand, taking long exhalations and chattering one's teeth 10 times when the sperm are fluctuating rapidly and on the verge of coming out.”


Between the scrotum and the anus is what is called the perineum. Place the index finger and middle finger of your left hand on this spot and press in firmly. Take a deep inhalation and exhale. Now smile and chatter your teeth counting while counting to 10. I know it sounds silly right? Maybe you don’t want to practice this one with a partner...unless she has a really awesome sense of humor!


This technique involves pressing the front of the anus known as the RN 1 nadi in the perineum which has the ability to depress the excitability of the nervous system and thus achieve a therapeutic effect for PE. While it seems silly, the chattering of one's teeth while smiling produces numerous beneficial effects. Just by physically forcing a smile on your face, your brain gets a slight boost of all the feel-good neurotransmitters—dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. This not only relaxes your body, but it can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure. The chattering is simply used as a tool of distraction to concentrate your mind elsewhere. Try being very present and in-tune while practicing the chattering and counting. 


Ancient Hindu texts state that, “by tapping on certain Nadis or meridians of the body one can depress the excitability of the nervous system and thus achieve a therapeutic effect for premature ejaculation.” 

Below is a set of tapping instructions to lead you through a practice that will center your focus and disperse your sexual energy from just your cock into all the focal nadi meridians of the body. You should feel this energy traversing throughout your body coursing its way through every vein, neuron and nerve ending.


Sit up slowly. With a straight back and strong core, you will go through the different points. First think of a karate chop, you are thinking of the fleshy part of the end of your palm. Begin by tapping quickly on the fleshing part between the pinky and the wrist of the left hand with all 4 fingers of your right hand.

With both hands loose use, the index and middle fingers to tap just above the eyebrows.

Now tap one the sides of each eye, the temple of the head.

Now under the eyes on the cheek bones.

Under the nose using just your right hand

Under the chin using your right hand.

Just under the collar bone using both hands.

Under the armpit, first the left side using the right hand then the right side using the left hand.

Finally, top of the head using right hand.


Take a deep breath.

Then go through this again 2 more times.


Karate chop, left hand.

Both hands over the brow.


Under the eyes.

Under the nose.

Under the chin.

Under the collar bone, both hands.

Under the armpit, left side.

Under the armpit right side.

Top of the head.


While it seems like a new trend, tapping the meridians of energy to stimulate or depress energy has been seen as therapeutic techniques in many ancient cultures. By going through the meridians in this specific order you are removing energetic blocks, allowing the energy to flow freely through your body and not become concentrated in your sexual center. 


5. 10 Thrusts

Ancient Hindu texts state that, “Men with a low threshold can hold and fondle women gently, close their mouth and grit their teeth, place their thoughts elsewhere, insert the penis into the vagina and perform sexual intercourse following the method of 9 shallow thrusts followed by 1 deep thrust."


This is a partner exercise and should be used as a meditative practice to help you continue sexual intercourse at a slow, steady pace without reaching your peak. Start by focusing inward. Let your partner know that you are still presently with her but that both of you can momentarily have a pleasurable inward experience. Close eyes and move gaze to the third eye. Focus on breath and your count. Thrust slowly and shallowly 9 times, counting to yourself. One the 10th count thrust deeply but still slowly. Stop there for a moment and apply the Kundalini root lock, mulbandh

To apply the root lock:

    • Contract the anal sphincter and feel the muscles lift upward and inward.

    • Keep these muscles contracted and then contract the area around the sex organ. (You will experience a slight lift and rotation inward of the pubic bone that is like trying to stem the flow of urine.)

    • Contract the lower abdominal muscles and the navel point toward your spine.

    • Apply these three actions together in a smooth, rapid, and flowing motion.

Continue to repeat this for as long as you’d like or until you feel you have gained control of your sexual energy. 


The method of 9 shallow thrusts and 1 deep thrust, which progressively and gradually strengthens the stimulation of the penis, reduces the sensitivity of the penis and improves the stimulation threshold for ejaculation. The combined action of this and the body lock delays ejaculation and improves the quality of sexual life. The root lock, mulbandh, is a powerful contraction of muscles and stimulation of energies that helps to redirect sexual energy into creativity and healing energy. The root lock is often applied at the end of Kundalini exercises and meditations to seal the healing and uplifting effects and stabilize your senses. 


Whether you are practicing solo or with a partner you should feel empowered that you are taking control of your sexuality. You are never too young or too old to cultivate a healthy sex practice. As you become master of your body you will begin to see your life change in all areas as your attract more abundance, positivity and love. Like anything worth mastering it takes practice and dedication. So practice, often and with full dedication. I would like to imagine my mission as a vessel meant to help create an army of gods to meet my goddess sisters on an equal level of power, pleasure and all encompassing love. Thank you for your participation and for taking this journey with me. Let me know how your practice is coming along as you get closer to becoming the god, in whose image you were created.
