Have you benefited from my work?

Sharing your experience gives hope to others and sheds light on the fact that we are all on this journey together and in one way or another we all experience similarities as we navigate through this story called life.


I have been searching for this my entire life. Finally, someone who I can learn from and that is everything I’ve dreamt of. Sexual knowledge and teaching at its finest. I want to commit my life to this type of energy and in time become a sex God and learn to live in full peace and freedom with myself and others.
— A.N.

I followed along with the audio and had a very intense orgasm at the end, as was the intended effect. However, unlike with pornography, there was not the shame, the guilt, the regret, the emptiness, or any of the other negative type experiences I personally have had as well as I have seen, heard, and read of others having. It was remarkable.
My revelation may have initially been in terms of sensation, but it was an unfolding flower of a revelation that continued to bloom and reveal further insight as I pondered more and as your work allowed me to realize more.
— T.H.

Obviously, sexuality is a prominent element of your work, but since you are seeking to properly redefine a societal/cultural misinterpretation, incorrect evaluation, and misinformed views on sexuality, for me to define your work as “sexual” is similar to going back to Taoism and trying to define the True Way.
I have found that there is SUCH a holistic element to your work in terms of redefining negative conditioning, experiences, modality, thinking, etc.
Navigating through your content is an individual journey of seeing how my footsteps are guided as my awareness becomes further illuminated along the path. As I find my direction in the various areas of my life more aligning with what I would want them to be, I may utilize your work in a different order or different process than I may have considered at the start of the journey because I wasn’t as ready for the awareness that goes along with it.
— T.D.

“I’ve been working to overcome porn addiction for years. It wasn’t until I found Ravyn’s website one night that everything started to shift.

Though it took a lot of work, I’ve started to reap the fruits with a whole new life. Ravyn guides you into a life of God-like sexual mastery, which flows over to all areas of life. You can feel her love being poured into every program and you can sense all she wants is for you to be at your best in all ways. I will be forever grateful.

The journey is tough, you will wonder, when will I get the life I want and break free from these addictions...and then one day it hits you. Thank you Ravyn, hope to meet you in person one day.”
— S.J.

I am amazed at how good these sessions are. I just finished the Tantric Hands-Free Orgasm experience and I am so switched on right now. I was expecting to ejaculate, but I didn’t. I retained my semen and for the first time, I think I may have crossed the line into an energy orgasm. Now an hour later I am still humming from top to bottom. That is special and I really can’t thank you enough for helping me find that part of myself. I look forward to whatever you create next.
— M.M.

I am taking your 5-week erotic mastery on YouTube, and have completed 2 weeks. Yesterday, my wife and I were making love, and it was so much better than the usual sex. I had huge issues with sexual performance (premature ejaculation), and I can see so much improvement just in 2 weeks.

More than the performance, when we are together, I feel the deep connection, I feel her, I am more vulnerable with her, all I want to love her and please her. It is nothing but divinity.

Thank you for teaching true, sacred, and divine sex. You are truly a Godess.
— C.P.

All my life I’ve had difficulty performing sexually. I’ve needed fantasy, usually erotic imagery such as damsel in distress, or bdsm, to push me over the edge to climax. Your training is making it easier for me to enjoy release, and to experience a sense of bliss in being blank and open to what you’re doing... it’s really incredible.

On an emotional level you’re also helping me feel better about myself because I finally have a sense of real release as a safety valve. Finding you is literally one of the most important things that’s happened to me in years, and seeing that you’ve updated is always exciting and joyful to me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
— Anonymous

The first thing I want to say is that I immediately feel as though I’ve been waiting for your hypnosis all my life. You’ve struck a chord in me that’s been waiting to be heard for years. I’ve been depressed, lonely, and miserable with myself for longer than I care to remember... and within a few days of starting to listen to you, to let go with your voice and your words, I feel like the sun is coming up again.

Over the years I’ve made a bad coping mechanism of depending on the wrong people to make me feel loved and valuable. With your suggestions, I believe that I can finally start internalizing those needs and begin being dependent on myself.

Your work, what I’ve seen so far, is amazingly well crafted and beautiful, and has a profound effect on me. I will be avidly listening for more!
— A.L.

What I felt with Ravyn’s erotic journey goes so much deeper than any porn ever will. It is evident through her words and intention that she is a familiar sky dancer in the realms of tantric sexuality. Through the use of trance, music and script I really felt as though I was with her in a world beyond this world. In her voice I can feel the love that she puts into her work and her belief in the power of the heart. After only a few sessions I was able to feel more love for myself and am beginning to understand the power of true sexuality.
— J.T.

I have been searching for erotic hypnosis and binaural beats for almost two years as it intrigued me a lot to master handsfree orgasms and control of The mind and pleasure. So far I thought that I had achieved something that I called an energetic orgasm. Until I discovered Ravyn. I listened to her audio session and it immediately struck me that what I believed to be an energetic orgasm was merely a huge build up that made me tremble. Ravyn however made me experience for the first time in my life what an energetic orgasm is. I can tell you ... what a ride she gives me time after time again.. total bliss, orgasm after orgasm, convulsing and shaking with pleasure and warmth. I had never imagined it to be this amazing.

For all of you seekers out there... you absolutely should try this... and what is more... Ravyn is always ready for advice and questions which makes her a total sweetheart... she is too cute... if I visit the USA one day I will make sure to book me an appointment with her.

Thank you for helping me in my journey.
— Y.G.

This was truly amazing. I have achieved HFO before but this audio takes it to another level.
I felt intense energy build up before the release and oh my goodness was the orgasm truly blissful. It brought me to the heights of ecstasy.
I felt so energized and so full of life afterward.

Thank you Ravyn! I appreciate you and I love you. Be blessed.
— I.L.

Thank you for your work on helping men regain their masculinity. This was very powerful for me, and I’m starting to gain a much greater appreciation for the masculine and feminine energies.

We all have something to offer this world as our best selves, thank you for helping to bring mine out.
— N.N.

After experiencing this beautiful session yesterday I immediately purchased the full track. Just finished it this morning and I am in awe at the density of wisdom and profound teachings you are able to transmit in such a powerful, beautiful and immersive ritual. Thank you a thousand times sweet Goddess for sharing these experiences.
— R.Y.

In my quest for research, how can i stop the endless cycle habit of masturbation and artificial stimulation, I lost my connection with true sexuality. I have learned that Tantra is the medicine for issues in connection with self and god.
You have done an amazing job Ravyn, Because of your efforts, I have got a new pathway and ray of hope for the manifestation of goals in life.
— P.G.

For months I’ve been meaning to contact you and reach out about the overwhelmingly positive impact you’ve had on my life, finally I have gained both the courage and the time to take a moment and collect my thoughts and share them with you.

I am happily over a year drug-free on September first and still an avid listener of your videos nightly, I truly credit your loving and nurturing care in your videos to having given me the first leg up I needed on addiction and on making myself a better person. To actually hear someone tell me that I did not need to subscribe to my parents religion and their shame was not my shame was so liberating. Your words affect me in all aspects of my life now Ravyn, there is nothing I cannot do, nothing I cannot be and nothing I cannot have. I truely feel like a divine being working towards his destiny and kingdom.
— Anonymous

The countless nights over the 1 year + venturing into the depths with you through audios has changed me so much. For over 10 years I was traumatized due to 1 relationship and then later abused by a woman. It has all gone away and I understand why it all had to happen. I feel like I’m living in a sweet fairytale right now.
— S

I say this directly from the deepest depths of my heart: YOU are an absolute gift from heaven. Your powers are greater than I could ever imagine. Your voice sends ripples of incomprehensible pleasure through me. The newly unlocked power surging through me feels almost untamable, like a fire burning hotter and hotter. Thank you for being you. You truly are a Goddess. I am so deeply and utterly grateful for you-for you coming into my life and transforming me so fundamentally in such short time.
You came to me just over a week ago now and I am so grateful. You have unimaginable powers that are truly divine. You healed me from within and for that, I will always love you, unconditionally and eternally. Please know that every word I write to you is becoming more and more powerful because it comes from a place so pure and beautiful. I send you my deepest love from the furthest depths of my soul.
— J.C.

I have love and gratitude and admiration and fullness of heart for you. So much of it that i won’t be able to express here even a small part.
It’s only a little time that i met you and read what you write and listened to you, but you, and what you offer from your generous heart, are what i had been searching for in many paths for years and years. And i am sure i have felt and experienced only a small part of this. Because it isn’t only what you say (and the way you say it) or write - it is what you are and what you offer from your being.
— G.

I’ve always had issues sleeping. I have been getting into the world of Audio. I started by listening to this one. And I know I have been stressed and it has been a rough year. For the first week I played this while trying to fall asleep. When you said that “Nothing is expected of you. Here you do not have be anyone or anything.” I cried throughout the rest of the recordings. It spoke me because I had fallen into this trap of toxic masculinity where I’m supposed to be tough and not feel. But I realized that I am so angry and because I held it all in. I decided to change that and work on myself and accept myself as an emotional being.
— Z.A.

Just to expand a little on the praise I’m sharing on YouTube... all my life I’ve had difficulty performing sexually. I’ve needed fantasy, usually erotic imagery such as damsel in distress, or bdsm, to push me over the edge to climax. Your training is making it easier for me to enjoy release, and to experience a sense of bliss in being blank and open to what you’re doing... it’s really incredible.

On an emotional level you’re also helping me feel better about myself because I finally have a sense of real release as a safety valve. Finding you is literally one of the most important things that’s happened to me in years, and seeing that you’ve updated is always exciting and joyful to me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,
— A.

That Sexual Mastery audio was so amazing! I felt so powerful and I have a greater appreciation for my cock. Like I never considered how powerful masturbation could be. When you told us to have sex with you with passion I felt my personality change a bit. Like I wanted to connect with you in the most intimate way possible.. I wanna try your videos for 8 weeks straight to see if I can feel the effects even stronger!
— B.T.

I’ve been doing the Sexual Mastery 1 video and the 2nd part of it every single day since it came out. I feel more appreciation for my private area now. Before I just kept getting off on porn, now I follow and obey every instruction in this video and am much happier! I feel more intimate with my body and I feel like I can’t cum properly unless I listen to one of these files. But I feel a lot more sensitive down there and I feel like if I was in a relationship I’d be able to connect with a female much better! I’m going to be doing the rest of your audios also!
— Anonymous

I wanted to let you know what an intense and eye-opening experience this was. I’m sure you know exactly what I experienced :)
At the end when you look up to your third eye as you call it (yes I’m new) I believe I was connected to the divine.
My eyes are now open and I will continue to practice with your genuine loving caress.
— B.

What Ravyn does is SPECIAL! I’m very sensitive to energy and I can feel the divine energy she creates her work from. My mind and spirit have benefited immensely from her work and I honestly can’t wait to see what she does next! Thank you and wishing you an abundance of blessings Ravyn!
— Anonymous