What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of concentrated stillness within the mind for a prolonged period of time with the intention of learning presence, mind-body connection, and focus of the mind. 

What is Masturbation?

Masturbation is the practice of self-pleasure for the intention of climatic gratification. 


Medibation is just as it sounds. It is the mindful combination of meditation with masturbation. 

When combined, these two practices can amplify your spiritual and sexual connection in unimaginable ways. 

I like to think of Medibation as the Meditation Master’s level up. It is not a practice I would recommend to someone with little to no experience with meditation. Rather it is an incredible practice to work up to once you feel you have mastered the realm of focused meditation. 


Meditation has been a part of my spiritual practice for many years now but it wasn’t until I began my Medabation practice that I finally felt like a true master of my body, my sexuality, and my reality. 

Before the word “Medibation” was even on my radar, I was naturally drawn to the combination of these two powerful practices. 

As blocks of the mind and self prevent growth in life, so too were these blocks preventing growth in my sexuality. So I felt called to clear away all enabling devices that prevented me from reaching the source of my oneness—the core of my being. 

First I removed porn from my ritual. With this alone, I was able to see a connection within grow more deeply. Then I removed the use of any and all toys, wanting to feel and connect with every part of my divine yoni. During this time, I witnessed how much participation from the mind was required for me to reach orgasm. If I was not watching porn, I was at least thinking about it. If I was not thinking about things I had seen, I was at least thinking about experiences I had or fantasies in which I wanted to experience. In any circumstance, the mind was in control and needed to be ignited in some way in order for me to peak. 

Still, my goal was to remove all influences. What did it feel like to have a purely physical orgasm brought up not by any thought, any sight, any toy, or any person? I practiced several times a week for months until I began getting closer and closer. 

Admittedly it was very difficult in the beginning. It is one thing to clear the mind when you are sitting quietly in meditation. It is quite another thing to clear the mind during the most intimate encounters with the self. Many things came up for me during this period. Things that were difficult to look at and face. 

At first, these thoughts can be very confronting. They can be thoughts that you most certainly do not want to think about during such a time, nor do you want them to be associated with your pleasure or peak. There are parts of your sexual subconscious that you may not even know exist. But similar to meditation, you cannot force the thoughts out of your head as this only gives them more power. Instead one must learn to see the thoughts as drifting clouds. “I see you, I recognize you and I release you.” Once I faced them, once I no longer shuddered from the many thoughts that spun around in my mind, one by one they began to clear out. But it was a constant practice, one that I failed at many times, never realizing how difficult it was to orgasm while focusing on, “empty mind, blank nothingness...concentrate!”

Finally, I had reached a point where my mind was completely clear, which led me to a presence with my body that I had never felt before. This is where my threshold for pleasure began to skyrocket. With the stories cleared and my mind out of the driver’s seat, my body, intuition, and connection to source took the wheel. 

In this space, I learned every inch of my body. I learned every crevice and curve. I learned every spot that brought me to levels of pleasure I was unable to experience being blocked by the mind. My orgasms became more and more intense. My connection with my body became more and more powerful. And finally, completely on my own, without the use of stimuli, without the help of any man or woman I met God. Here I was able to feel the love of all gods, of all beings, and I was able to understand the oneness and unity of all. Finally, I was able to feel love completely unattached and free from duality. 

After reaching this level, amazing, magical things began to happen. I began to unlock a connection to higher dimensions as my vibration heightened. During my sessions, I started experiencing past lives—a remembrance of who I was, where I came from, and what I was doing here. I was able to clear karma from this and past lives. And I was able to receive intuitive messages and channelings from a higher source. 

Through this journey and dedication to my sexual practice, my life has changed in innumerable ways. Once you reach certain heights and understand the potential of your body and your connection, your temple is not something that you care for out of vanity or desire to be loved. It is something you cherish and worship simply because of the miracle that it is. Once you reach certain heights it is impossible to receive gratification from lower vibrational energies. In the beginning, there were still certain pulls I would have towards porn or casual sex. But now, even if I tried to watch porn, it only saddens and disgusts me, bringing no sense of pleasure or arousal. Now, the partners I chose to be with, what goes in and out of my 9 holes, and how I make love to myself are all things that have shifted to a higher vibration since I began my practice of Medibation.


  • Increase concentration and focus using the power of sexual energy during meditation

  • Start to cultivate the powers of sex magic

  • Builds connection to a higher source

  • Remove shame and inability to accept pleasure

  • Reprograms beliefs of unworthiness or low self-worth

  • Increases the powers of imagination and creation

  • Increases stamina

  • Increases pleasure

So why not give it a try! If you have been meditating for some time now, if you want to stop watching porn, if you want to feel greater levels of pleasure, if you want a deeper connection with your body, then this practice is for you! 

My recommendation is that before you go cold-turkey into the dark depths of your mind, to start with these steps:


Step 1: Stop watching porn! Yes, altogether. No porn at all.

Step 2: Start incorporating my EROTIC HYPNOSIS journeys into your practice which is like starting with guided meditation. This will help you learn to focus the mind and build connection with your body.

Step 3: Practice without being guided by using my BETTER THAN PORN journeys. This will help you learn presence by concentrating the imagination center of the mind. It will also help you feel a sense of love and connection.

Step 4: Finally you will want to practice with no stimuli at all. Just you and your body. Music can be helpful but you want to remove everything else that prevents you from being completely present. 

Step 5: REACH GOD! 

Step 6: Let’s connect again! Once you have reached the God inside and the God outside you can return to some fun stimuli. And now, they will give you an even greater sense of pleasure and love. Now, as the heightened, upgraded being that you will become, you will enjoy our connection, your connection other and your connection will self in ways never before imagined! And I promise, without even trying, you will completely lose your desire to watch degrading porn, to have shallow sex or to mistreat your temple. 

So nows the time! It is time to let go of the crutches, empower yourself, and step into the essence of a true sexual master! 

Let me know how the journey goes for you as you go through your darkness to step into your light. 

