An Erotic Artist is a seductress in the most sensually dominant form. She is confident in her body and the pleasure that it can extent. She is powerful in her actions, as her knowledge becomes a tool to be valiantly executed. She is dominant without saying a word as she allows her body to do the talking. Her pleasure comes from the pleasure of others, yet selfishly reaps the rewards of her craft. Her new skills exude sexuality and power wherever she goes. Being an Erotic Artist doesn’t end in the bedroom. It will become a part of you and can translate into all aspects of your life.


As you complete your Erotic Arts Training you will gain more than you ever thought possible. Your confidence will increase as you feel more comfortable in your body. You will gain new seduction and massage techniques. And you will understand that ultimately giving is receiving. This is not just a gift for your partner, it is a gift for YOU! Step into your sensual dominance knowing that you have the power to share and give, simply with your beautiful, unique body!

 I am highly skilled and trained and offer several packages and modalities of training for women interested in increasing confidence and power, and unleashing the divine, dominant seductress within. 




BODY RYDING® Level 1 & Level 2

Slow, seductive, and erotic.

Learn the art of full body massage where you will use the incorporation of your entire body to create an incredible experience of erotic seduction. You will learn completely unique techniques and moves that are guaranteed to blow your partners mind. This experience is both relaxing and heart-pounding with the combinations of fast and slow & deep and soft. Each move has been perfected and has tested highly with hundreds of clients.


2 DAYS: Includes 4 Demos and 12-16 hours of training *Each level is a separate training



Level 1 & Level 2

Out-of-the-box, kinky, and relaxing.

Your partner has never experienced anything like this! This one is sure to give a kick to any relationship needing to be spiced up.

*Along with this training you will receive a custom-made Milking Table with unique features that allow the body to be touched in the most mind-blowing ways.


2 DAYS: Includes 4 Demos and 12-16 hours of training *Each level is a separate training



Edgy, exhilarating, and kinky.

Bondassage® takes your partner on a journey of sensation surprises. You may be a seasoned traveler in the BDSM realm but are interested in trying something different, or you may be brand new and want to be introduced gently to percussion play, sensation exploration, and bondage. Learn how to take your partner toward their known (and sometimes unknown) desires in an environment that is kind, safe, and full of surprises. Bondassge sessions utilize a blindfold and headphones for sensory deprivation to heighten and enhance all erotic sensory zones.


2 DAYS: Includes 4 Demos and 12-16 hours of training

*Add Elysium Certification (+one day) to your Bondassage Basic Training for an additional $1000



Slow, sensory, and hot.

If you are not ready to dive into Bondassage, Elysium is a great introduction to the world of sensory play. In this certification, you will learn the Bondassage Elysium sequence plus my variation of the incorporation of pearls and roses which turns this already erotic session into a romantic experience never to be forgotten.


1 DAY: Includes 2 Demos and 6-8 hours of training

*Add Elysium Certification (+one day) to your Bondassage Basic Training for an additional $1000



Advanced Level

Mystical, healing, and connective.

This training is for advanced clients looking to deepen their knowledge of energy work, spirituality and sacred sexuality. Learn tantric techniques and practices that can deepen your connection to your partner, yourself and the oneness of everything.

COST: Inquire


Coming soon!


